Negishi Ryu Shurikenjutsu
Japan Headquarters
Director's Blog

Fraternal Greetings from Japan
Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Negishi Ryu International website. Our shuriken-jutsu tradition traces a rich history spanning 400 years. The school was founded by Negishi Shorei, Sōke of Annaka-han Araki Ryu Kenjutsu, and master of the Hokushin Itto Ryu & Ganritsu Ryu warrior traditions. In modern times, Negishi Ryu and its subsumed "heiden" teachings (Ganritsu Ryu Shuriken-jutsu, Shirai Ryu Shuriken-jutsu & Shingetsu Ryu Shuriken-jutsu) were propagated by the late, Saito Satoshi, 5th Generation Sōke. Today, the Negishi Ryu is recognized as Japan's last surviving specialist school of authentic "koryu" shuriken-jutsu, and designated as an important cultural asset.
The Negishi Ryu currently has apprentice-students in Taiwan, the United States, Canada, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy & the Czech Republic. As international interest continues to grow, we are working to establish a global network of highly trained, knowledge-rich professionals to ensure the longevity of our tradition and to navigate Negishi Ryu into the future. While our standards remain as high as ever, we do invite all interested parties to reach out to us and establish communication. At present, instruction is disseminated directly from Japan, as there are no international branches.
The current student-quota for term-one online studies has already been filled. We invite future candidates to join our priority waiting list for updates and announcements.
Negishi Ryu International
David Barber - Shihan
Head of International Division (国際部長)
Hayasaka Yoshifumi - Shihan
7th Generation Soke (第七代宗家)
Ibaraki, Japan
Kyushu Shibu
Ikenaga Yasuo - Shihan
Director for Kyushu
Kumamoto, Japan
Kamakura Shibu
David Barber - Shihan
Director of Kamakura
Kanagawa, Japan
Naha Shibu
Fukuhara Tomoaki
Director for Naha
Okinawa, Japan
Waiting List
Join the Priority Waiting List now,
and we'll keep you fully updated!

Spotlight on the Koryu
(further reading for applicants)
The Negishi Ryu has always been a somewhat exclusive and guarded tradition. Former Soke, Saito Satoshi only accepted a small number of disciples during his life of 92 years. As the head of Japan’s illustrious Nihon Kobudo Shinkokai, he was known by all, and approached by many. Yet, he chose to be extremely selective in adopting his students. According to Saito-sensei, koryu bujutsu (kobudo) represents the true heart and spirit of Japan. Ideally, candidates would have prior experience in classical martial arts and an appreciation for Japanese culture and tradition. A willingness to explore the Japanese language is also a necessity, as important teachings can often get lost in translation. Most important of all is the person’s inner character and mind-set. What is motivating them to enter our gates? Every student that Saito Satoshi accepted, came via recommendation. In my case, it was the headmaster of Yagyu Shingan Ryu in Japan.
The Koryu are deeply rooted in traditional Japanese culture. For some, the ways of thinking and doing things in a koryu may appear outdated or at conflict with one’s own culture or belief system. For this reason, there are many in Japan who have said that the koryu can never be taught outside Japan. To some extent this is true. Unlike modern-day martial arts, the koryu tend to operate conservatively, following age-old customs and traditions. It therefore takes a certain type of student to appreciate these hurdles and complexities. Non-Japanese struggle with issues concerning hierarchy, transparency, rank recognition, time efficiency, and the language and cultural barriers. In modern martial arts, student progression is mapped out, with an emphasis on obtaining skills and meeting benchmarks. Constant recognition, in the form of colored belts, ranks, certificates and titles, all go toward motivating the student. But, in the koryu, for the most part, this motivation must be harnessed from within. There isn't as much carrot dangling and ego massaging. For this reason alone, many people walk away in the initial years. I liken the koryu to that of being adopted into a family. But not just any family, a conservative Japanese family. Or better still, a conservative Japanese samurai family. This suggests that everything we think, say or do, reflects on our relationship with the family. There is no me, there is only us, as a community. You are not learning the martial arts for yourself exclusively, but for the betterment of the koryu tradition as a whole. Essentially, by learning, you are also working to preserve and protect the teachings, the legacy and the reputation of the koryu family. One bad apple (or Lone Ranger) can spoil the bunch, so to speak. At the head of a koryu family there is a Soke, which literally means Head of Family. In any family, there are elders and there are youngsters. I'm referring of course to the Japanese seniority system of senpai and kouhai. The term Budo (武道) or Kobudo (古武道), contains the characters for Martial Path (michi). This is the path we all walk as martial artists. Regardless of rank or belt color, we turn to family elders who have walked the path before us for guidance. Unlike sports clubs, there is no rivalry or competition, but rather a sense of cooperation and mutual respect. This is a path of self refinement, much like the forging process of the katana blade itself. Raw iron becoming precious steel.
Today, we are living in an information age, where everything is openly available to us at the click of a button. We can communicate instantly, engage in group discussions, debate things, call people out, and simply click LIKE (or dislike) on everything we see in our social media feeds. In Japan, cultural traits such as discretion and humility are ingrained in the psyche from an early age. As a result, Japanese people are often misread as being shy or passive. Unable to speak their minds. But, as already discussed, everything we say or do as individuals, has the potential to impact our social circles. So in this regard, belonging to a koryu family requires a certain level of maturity and responsibility.
The samurai caste were professional warriors, serving regional warlords (daimyo) across the nation. In those days, martial arts instruction was a respectable, full-time, paid profession. In modern day Japan however, few instructors teach martial arts as a primary source of income. Most work demanding, full-time jobs, in an effort to make ends meet. In contrast, the vast majority of instructors teaching Japanese martial arts abroad, do so commercially. Like any business, the need to constantly recruit new students, compete in the marketplace, differentiate and innovate can all lead to a deterioration in traditional budo values and culture. On the other hand, training and teaching on a daily basis can also elevate the overall quality of instruction. It is important to understand what motivates students. In Japan, crime is few and far between. Many practitioners and instructors have never encountered violence first hand. Physical fitness and character development are the two primary motivators. In contrast, students outside Japan face different realities. Crime is rampant, war is prevalent, and real self-defense concerns may be a significant motivator. The question is, how can we continue to uphold age old traditions, while also adapting to the conditions of the present day?
In principal, Negishi Ryu does not restrict its members from studying other martial traditions, provided they do not impose a hindrance or a conflict of interest. This conflict may appear in various forms, such as a difference in core organizational values, ideology, methodology etc.
In accordance with tradition, admission to the school is by invitation only. This being said, interested parties are invited to contact us via email to express their interest.